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The 7 Deadly Stretching Excuses Holding You Back

There are a lot of stretching excuses out there.

You know you SHOULD stretch, but it’s easy to talk yourself out of it.

You might have the best intentions about starting a stretching routine, yet it’s hard to find the motivation to start.

Maybe you’ve used some of these stretching excuses before. Like being too self-conscious, too tired, or even too broke to stretch. The WeStretch team has heard ALL the excuses- we’ve even used some of them ourselves!

Now, you don’t have any reason not to stretch, because we’re busting these excuses right now.

Stretching Excuse #1 – “I don’t have enough time to exercise.”

It can be hard to set aside time to exercise when there already seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day between work and the demands of family. The thought of changing into gym clothes and driving to the gym after a hard day at work isn’t appealing to many.

Excuse Buster: With the WeStretch app, lack of time isn’t an excuse any longer. You are in complete control over the duration of your stretching session. Only have 5 minutes available? We can work with that!

Stretching Excuse #2 – “Exercise is boring.”

Repeating the same routine over and over is deadly boring. Many people give up when they can’t face another day of the exact same moves, in the exact same order.

Excuse Buster: There is nothing worse than being asked to do the same routine every day. That’s why you’ll be glad to hear the WeStretch creates custom routines. Every time you log into the app, you’ll get a fresh routine, based on the progress of your last session.

Stretching Excuse #3 – “I’m too self-conscious for a yoga class.”

When you’re a few pounds heavier than you’d like, or else your flexibility isn’t what it used to be, walking into a yoga class is very intimidating. It’s hard not to compare yourself to those bendy yoga devotees!

Excuse Buster: You can get stretching at home! There’s no reason for you to feel self-conscious when you can work out in private with WeStretch. Yet you can still be social with WeStretch. Challenge your friends to create their own stretching routines, right inside the WeStretch app.

Stretching Excuse #4 – “I’m too tired to exercise.”

When you put in a full day at work, then come home to the second shift of cooking, cleaning, and laundry, plus running kids to activities, it’s no wonder that you feel too exhausted to exercise.

Excuse Buster: Somedays, it feels hard to get off the couch, but even a few minutes of activity lubricates the joints, increases blood flow to your muscles (which brings nutrients to your cells), and makes you feel energized. Stretching also reduces joint pain and increases your range of motion.

Why not commit to just 10 minutes of stretching, then see how you feel? You might surprise yourself and stay stretching far past your 10-minute time commitment. Also, the time of day that stretching works best differs for each person. Some people prefer working out in the morning or a nice afternoon workout, while others enjoy a nice stretch before bedtime.

Listen to your body clock to find your ideal stretching time.

Stretching Excuse #5 – “I’m not very athletic.”

Have bad memories of being the last one picked for a team in gym class? Many of us do, and the memories discourage us from being active.

Excuse Buster: Really though, being fit isn’t about being a jock. It’s about doing the best you can with the body you’ve got! The gentle stretching routines generated by WeStretch are fun and easy to follow. Take your exercise into your own hands and do what you love to do!

Stretching Excuse #6 – “I can’t afford gym fees.”

When a budget is a concern, a gym membership is one of the first things to go. When the cost of a gym membership can be upwards of $100 per month, it’s easy to see why it can be out of reach for many.

Excuse Buster: Good news: WeStretch is FREE! Yes, free for anyone with a mobile device. So if your budget has held you back from getting active until now, don’t let it hold you back any longer.

We want everyone to enjoy the benefits of active living – that’s why we’re making WeStretch available at no cost. Now, if you want extra bells and whistles- like having access to all of the different types of stretching routines– the premium subscription will be well worth it for you!

Stretching Excuse # 7 “I’m afraid of hurting myself.”

If you’ve injured yourself in the past, it’s natural to be reluctant to exercise. Starting a stretching routine can really feel scary if you’re not sure how to stretch.

Excuse Buster: You’ll be glad to know that we developed WeStretch in consultation with a Registered Physiotherapist. We want to make sure that WeStretch is safe AND effective for everyone.

When you first start using WeStretch, you might even feel that it’s too easy. That’s because WeStretch is a progressive app. This means you’ll start off slowly with WeStretch because our app is learning your preferences and your stretching history.

Gradually, your sessions will increase in intensity. You’ll always feel challenged but never overwhelmed.

Don’t let stretching excuses get in your way any longer!

Now that we’ve squashed many of the common stretching excuses out there, it’s time to get started! If you’re ready to make a healthy change to your routine, download WeStretch today to get feeling your very best! (Click here for iOS and here for Android)

Any links included are for reference, additional information, or entertainment value only, without monetary compensation. Contact us on social media or at [email protected]. Photos courtesy of Unsplash.com.

This article is not intended to act as or replace medical advice. Please talk to your healthcare practitioner if you have any concerns.

Updated May 17, 2021

Written By:  <a href="https://westretch.ca/blog/author/admin/" target="_self">WeStretch</a>

Written By: WeStretch

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