
Content by WeStretch

Thirty Day Stretching Challenge with WeStretch

Thirty Day Stretching Challenge with WeStretch

Many people know they should stretch, but they struggle with getting started. The first step to building a stretching habit is to make it as easy and fun as possible in the beginning. To help you on your stretching journey, we have created a thirty-day stretching...

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How Long Should You Hold a Stretch?

How Long Should You Hold a Stretch?

You have decided to start stretching. You’ve put on the stretchy clothes, and you have the pamphlet of stretches that your physiotherapist gave you…. But now you’re wondering how long you should hold each stretch for. Listen to your body and hold the stretch for what...

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What is Mental Training and How Do I Do It?

What is Mental Training and How Do I Do It?

What is Mental Training? Mental training is preparing your mind for the best possible outcome. It is the act of thinking and planning for your next action, which can help you to push beyond your limits and succeed. It can improve your strategy in competitive...

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Strengthening Your Core with Stretching

Strengthening Your Core with Stretching

When you think of strengthening your core, you may think of hours spent at the gym. In reality, the best way to begin building core muscle strength is to start doing manageable exercises at home. The beauty of these poses is that you can stretch your core muscles in...

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Shaking Off Your Afternoon Slump

Shaking Off Your Afternoon Slump

You had a productive morning at work, checking things off your to-do list left and right. You had an amazing lunch, but coming back to work has triggered an afternoon slump and a drop in your energy levels. As frustrating as that can be, here are some tips on how to...

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Is Stretching Good for My Mental Health?

Is Stretching Good for My Mental Health?

What is mental health? Mental health is basically how we think, act, and feel. It encompasses our thoughts and feelings, and it is a major component of our overall health. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so it is...

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Setting Up Your Ultimate Stretching Space.

Setting Up Your Ultimate Stretching Space.

While you can stretch anywhere if you are beginning to take your stretching more seriously, follow these tips to create the ultimate stretching space. Using Feng Shui to improve your stretching space. According to @dearmodern on Instagram (who specializes in room...

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How to Fix Your Stiff Neck Quickly

How to Fix Your Stiff Neck Quickly

A stiff neck can throw a wrench into your plans, but it doesn’t have to affect your whole day. Follow these tips below to stretch out the stiff muscles in your neck and get you back to doing what you love! (Even if you're feeling okay right now, these steps can also...

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35+ Self-Improvement Ideas That You Can Start Today

35+ Self-Improvement Ideas That You Can Start Today

Many of us want to work on our self-improvement, but we struggle to get started, as everything feels very future-oriented. Every one of the suggestions on this list is something that you can get started with today. Either do them all, or pick one or two....

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How to Get Flexible After Losing Your Flexibility.

How to Get Flexible After Losing Your Flexibility.

Life can throw curve balls at you, despite your best intentions. Sometimes, you work hard on achieving your flexibility or improving your fitness levels, only to have a setback (or life in general) undo your progress. We want to help you be able to get flexible again...

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